" It is a miracle by the grace of God that our family has been restored and saved.  With all of our hearts, we give thanks and praise to Jesus for His redeeming grace, salvation and for sending His Prophets to minister truth and healing, all in His name.  I truly do not know where I or my family would be without the interceding help of Prophetess Freedom.  She is a God-sent, highly anointed Prophet who has changed my entire life and that of my family’s in countless ways.  Over the last year, she has guided, counseled, course-corrected, delivered and helped heal patterns in myself and family with so much compassion, grace and unconditional love all through Jesus! "- The Ware Family


" I was blessed to have joined Freedom's QIC course in 2019 which my inner child discovered the very thing she had been pleading for - true peace. (Yes, QIC is powerfulllll!!!) This set me on the path to burn down and discard of so much that had been polluting my life. After 4..6 months, I felt renewed! Fast-forward to 2022 and I was able to fully pull out of the ascension and new age communities, and found my beautifully- lit path back to Jesus. A path that I, continuously, could not find in most any church. Again, I felt seen in a big way. I could follow Christ AND honor the truth of how God created me, (a multidimensional being) . And, Freedom freaking found evidence of this in the Bible! Mind blown! I’m really grateful for her and Honesty, how brave they have been to do the cross work and forge this new path in our world, (even when the Haterade has been thick!! This new chapter is so exciting, and I’m happy that the container they’ve created will be appreciated by folks who deeply value true, transformational, Jesus-rooted, multidimensional work. If you want to get off of the old healing hamster wheel, you’ve come to the right place!"-Taylor



 "From 2019-2021 my mental health really took a hit and I slowly started to question new age practices but to be honest I was still brainwashed to believe it was the way. I just remember spending hours and hours trying to find solutions when I just got more and more lost. By the grace of God, I stumbled upon your Facebook page and thought, wow she’s different and I slowly started reading your content. And then, you released the first keys video and something absolutely miraculous happened. I can’t explain it. I was changed and from that moment on, I dropped all new age practices and started my walk with Jesus. You delivered me Mama from it all, and I will be forever grateful. I want to acknowledge Prophetess Honesty as I know she has been so important in this work. You both have also lead me to Prophet Lovy. I really can’t put into words the impact you have had in my life, but when you speak I know God is working through you. I rewatched your key videos so many times. My walk is clearer, my mental health is much better because I have learned to REST in him. The path is now NARROW and I am so excited to continue following your work and to witness your ministry grow."-Sofia







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